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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Are u trendy...................

trendy helmet 4men

- trendy attire

/hijab in trendy way

-cute trendy
summerfasion formel hair style 4 this occcation


Passion for the People

Passion for the stars death on Earth and life on Mars.
Passion for the oceanmoving of the waves without any motion.
Passion for the sportspassing, throwing of all sorts.
Passion for artsacting,drawing,
writing is good for all of our hearts.
Passion for the mathnumbers,
logic things on that pathPassion for the religionsspirits,
belief, the big decisions.
Passion for the Passionunaware of all of that abstraction

Fashion design is the drawing and evaulating of drawings related to textile or clothing garments. In fashion there are 3 sections the mass market, haute couture and ready to wear clothing.

In this section we will show what equipment to use, how to draw a design template, how to evaulate your design and how to gather inspiration

Sunday, November 2, 2008

NeW treNds Of WriTTiNg shOrTs AbOut Ur FriEnDsHip.......

  1. AF - Always friend
  2. BF - Boy friend
  3. CF - Close friend
  4. DF - Dear friend
  5. EF - Ever friend
  6. FF - Forever friend
  7. GF - girl friend
  8. HF - Helping friend
  9. IF - Innocent friend
  10. JF - Jovial friend
  11. KF - Kind friend
  12. LF - Lovely friend
  13. MF - Merry friend
  14. NF - Naughty friend
  15. OF - Only friend
  16. PF - Personal friend
  17. QF - Quiet friend
  18. RF - Rare friend
  19. SF - Special friend
  20. TF - Thick friend
  21. UF - Understanding friend
  22. VF - Valuable friend
  23. WF - Wonderful friend
  24. XF - Xcellent friend
  25. YF - Youth friend
  26. ZF - Zeal friend

select any 1 out of it for our friendship ......